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    Visitor management has always been a major consideration in the modern workplace. However, these days it has become an effective and secure way of managing visitors and contractors. Therefore, organizations need to invest in visitor management technology to ensure the safety and convenience of their staff and visitors.

    What Are Visitor Management Systems?

    Visitor Management Systems are a technology that is used for governing the visitor management process. It is a digital alternative to traditional visitor records. When you have a visitor to your building, you keep an eye on who enters the premises and what they do for site security.

    For instance, in the healthcare sector, software can pre-screen visitors using a custom questionnaire. Later, the system can store information related to temperature scanning and patient room capacity limits to the check-out process. Everything can be handled without using outdated paper or hardware which requires high-maintenance.

    What Are the Different Types of Visitor Management Systems?

    The various types of visitor management systems include basic sign-in systems, mobile-app based systems, self-service kiosk systems, integrated systems, web-based systems, cloud based systems and biometric systems.

    How Does a Visitor Management Software Operate?

    Visitor management systems have two modes of operation. They are-

    1. Cloud-Based Visitor Management

    It is a centralized solution that enables you to have access to visitor data from all devices (desktop, laptop, tablet, mobile phone). The major benefits of using a cloud-hosted software are timely updates, accessibility, a hassle-free onboarding process, and affordability. 

    2. On-Premise Visitor Management

    This system uses the networks of an organization and uses local equipment for data storage. On-premise visitor management software is ideal for large organizations that have ample resources for managing everything on-site with a team of specialists. The software ensures a high level of security and control. However, it has some limitations like implementation and maintenance costs, additional training, and higher risks of system malfunction.

    Integrated visitor management systems help you to connect VMS with access control systems. You can select the level of access that your staff and guests can receive. Once registration is completed, they will be automatically granted the rights permissions to your space through lockers, controllers, and compatible readers.

    For instance, the module can offer security and reception staff information about a specific visitor. Once the attendee arrives, they will be greeted instantly by a staff member and directed to the proper place. 

    Visitor Management Kiosks

    There are self-serving check-in and check-out kiosks which can be placed either indoors or outdoors. Visitors are offered printed passes and tickets before entering the building. So, restricted users are filtered out.

    These kiosks can also be used as a display, feedback kiosk, or digital wayfinder. During a health crisis, the software can help to track occupancy and footfall, reduce waiting times, and also send a notification when the venue reaches maximum occupancy to prevent viruses and bacteria from spreading. 

    Front Desk Check-In

    This is a digital receptionist who works at the lobby or front desk. Depending on what the visitor is signing in for, the person will have access to information about wayfinding, room scheduling, and desk booking without any type of human interaction. However, the software won’t make the guest’s stay impersonal. Rather, it will create more meaningful links with your visitors.

    6 Benefits of Visitor Management Systems

    1. Improve Business Security

    Visitor management systems don’t replace other security programs. However, they help to substantially reduce the risk of unwanted outsiders entering your office premises. Your premises, equipment, and important details will only be available to authorized people. This software is equipped with multiple security-enhancing features like visitor records, message forwarding, signature capture, visitor badges with a photo, the person the visitor wants to meet, and the expiration date. 

    2. Sign-In Efficiency

    Visitor management systems enable a quick, easy way to sign in and out of buildings. For instance, let’s assume that you have a kiosk or similar equipment in which a visitor or several visitors will just have to tap the screen to add their details. In case they are pre-registered, checked with access control, and expected by your staff, they will only have to scan a QR code. In the same way, returning visitors can have a quicker registration process. The system will store their name, date and purpose of their last visit, and who they interacted with.

    3. Enables Evacuation During Emergencies

    In case you have a centralized, updated database containing contact details of all visitors on your office premises, everyone will be instantly notified if there is an emergency. Apart from a simple alert, you can also offer instructions on what to do. For a proper evacuation, it’s wise to keep a track record of cleared zones, view the help requests, and also monitor the evacuation process in real time. Once this has been done, post-emergency reporting will specify the communication, mustering, and evacuation details for assessment. 

    4. Compile and Store Visitor Data

    Visitor management systems can capture important details, maintaining a clear record of visits. Simultaneously, it makes it easier to acquire consent for data collection and storage, informing a visitor about the important legal procedures and confidentiality rules. All employees, visitors, and contractors can be assured that you have complied with the regulatory requirements. From a company’s perspective, you will have more data to analyze for making decisions in the future.

    By maintaining a comprehensive visitor database, you can generate informative reports, and ensure compliance and auditing processes strengthen the overall security protocols. By doing so, you will be able to create a secure environment and protect your office premises effectively. 

    5. Reduced Overhead

    The visitor management system will help you to improve the productivity and efficiency of your staff. For instance, if your employees don’t have to deal with in-person visitor management traditionally, they can focus on other tasks that are on priority. However, this doesn’t mean that all guest-related tasks need to be automated. It will only eliminate the need for meaningless, repetitive tasks. The staff will interact with visitors only if there is a sound reason to do so.

    6. Visitor Logs

    The benefits of maintaining a visitor log are varied. Without devoting more time, a company will have access to data regarding the comings and goings of visitors all the time. Moreover, apart from such visits, the logs may contain some form of identification offered the person accepted all terms and conditions. Some insights that you can gain from the visitor log include the average length of a visitor’s stay, the busiest times for guests, events that attract most visitors, and the effect of different opening/closing times on visitor arrivals and departures.

    4 Ways To Ensure Visitor Satisfaction and Reputation Management

    Visitor management systems do help to reduce human errors. So, unlike paper-based systems and obsolete software, front-desk teams don’t have to deal with a lot of data. The software handles a part of administrative work and presents the result once it’s ready. The staff then welcomes visitors, based on the purpose of the visit. This smooth, personalized approach enhances visitor satisfaction. Visitor management systems can also be used for predicting visit traffic.

    Verification Process In VMS

    Source: Yeastar

    1. Efficient Identification and Verification Process

    Using a visitor management system, guard personnel can promptly identify and verify visitors by using digital identification methods. By integrating ID scanners, the system can validate IDs issued by the government and automatically fill visitor details, reducing human error and improving security measures. This will ensure that only authorized individuals have access to your office premises.

    2. Minimizes Time Wasted on Unauthorized Visitors

    The safety feature of a visitor management system enables you to create watch lists, permit lists and deny lists. Visitors who are on the deny list are denied entry. This preventive measure ensures that no unauthorized visitor can gain entry within your office premises and cause unnecessary downtime. Your security staff won’t waste time assessing guests who have authorizations.

    3. Minimize The Chance of Misplacing Historical Data

    Touchless visitor sign-ins enable visitors to finish the check-in process on their smartphones. It is a better alternative to using a touchscreen at the sign-in kiosk. This feature shares a preregistration or invitation link to the smartphones of guests. All that the guests need to do is to scan the link using a QR code at the check-in kiosk and the sign-in process will be completed. 

    Apart from enhancing the visitor experience, this contactless sign-in feature creates a data trail. You can use this data trail to track and contact any guest when you want to. This extra data set in your visitor management system signifies that you have an extra data point for visitor records. This minimizes the chances of the data being misplaced in the visitor management system.

    4. Minimizes Visitor Wait Times and Prevents Canceled Meetings

    Features such as contactless sign-in, automated security checkpoints, and visitor host notifications help to reduce wait times. Once guests are aware that the check-in process has been expedited, they honor meetings, even if they have strict schedules. For example, a client who has arranged a meeting with your logistics manager may get preoccupied with something important on the same day. But before calling for a reschedule, the client sees how fast it is to come and leave your office premises. Instead of canceling, he honors the meeting. Why? Because he knows that he can get in quickly, without having to wait at the reception desk and finish the appointment quickly. 

    6 Features of Visitor Management Systems

    Before you opt for a visitor management system to enhance organizational efficiency, you have to answer the following questions-

  • How will the visitors interact with our facilities? It could be a welcome process, wayfinding, access to Wi-Fi, permissions, reservations/bookings, or check-in/check-out solutions.
  • What type of reports and statistics do we require?
  • What additional tasks can be handled by our team?
  • How is ROI defined?
  • What type of data does our system handle?
  • How many visitors do we have on average?
  • Once you have decided what type of visitor management system you require, you’ll be able to invest in the right software.

    7 Important Features of A Reliable Visitor Management Platform

    1. Data Security and User Privacy

    A visitor management system acts as your first line of defense against physical theft and loss of confidential data. But when you do data collection, make sure that your company is GDPR compliant. Fundamentals of GDPR include transparency of use, guarantee against external threats, and visitor’s consent. 

    2. Customizable Workflows

    The software can differentiate between activities and also enroll various protocols for each case. It can be for a customer, delivery driver, customer, or guest. 

    3. Notification and Communication Capability

    Employees will get instant notifications when they have a visitor, a specific visitor is denied access, or if there is an ongoing evacuation. You can monitor the movements of employees as well. 

    4. Visitor Experience

    You can use a visitor management program to replace paperwork, create a touch-free, clean environment, and minimize the risk of unwanted exposure. A visitor management system can also help you improve the overall experience by ensuring an automatic, wireless ID system.

    5. Integration Options

    Your company can also find complementary solutions for visitor management, like digital software, video intercom, surveillance systems, access control systems, etc.

    6. Compliance Management

    Centralizing compliance reports in a cloud-based platform can be useful when an individual doesn’t comply with the requirements of his or her visit. For instance, a visitor management system can store legal documents like non-disclosure agreements and on-site rule waivers. Visitor management systems need to comply with PCI DSS, GDPR, SOC2 Type 2, and ITAR.

    7. Reports and Insights

    The visitor management system will provide you access to details like visitor by the host, visitor books registration type, pattern reporting, headcount, visitor feedback, and visitor reason. You can analyze all these details to determine whether the system can be enhanced in some ways for your staff or visitors. 

    How To Choose The Right Visitor Management System?

    Selecting the appropriate visitor management system can be a challenge. So, you need to identify the specific requirements of your office to ensure that you opt for the right system. These systems come with many standard features like compliances, customization, cost-effectiveness, scalability, and integration capabilities. Here are some aspects you need to pay attention to –

    1. Scalability

    When you start looking for a visitor management system, opt for a system that can scale with your needs as your business grows. This will ensure that your visitor management system can adapt and expand as the needs of your business change.

    2. Customizations

    When selecting visitor management software, it is essential to consider customization options that can adapt to the specific needs of your organization.

    3. Integration Abilities

    A visitor management system needs to be integrated with your existing security and business systems, thereby creating a unified ecosystem that ensures highly efficient, compliant data-driven operations.

    Why Integrate the Visitor Management System With Your Access Control Solution?

    • The access control and visitor management systems of your company are a strong combination. When integrated, they will offer great results.
    • For instance, integrating visitor management and access control provides advantages like pre-registering mobile credentials before they even arrive at the doorstep.
    • This eliminates the necessity for manual verification and streamlines visitor experience. Moreover, a visitor management software integration can also enable access zones that are pre-designed to ensure the safety of sensitive areas.
    • Using the latest visitor management system tools, you can pre-register visitors, customize their details based on visitor type, and view status of visitors who are at present on-site, temporarily off-site, about to leave, or have already left.
    • These tools also provide bulk selection and processing of visitors, biometric enrolment, and other reception features.
    • Such a system can also store returning visitors and include their privacy statements or conditions of entry.
    • When it comes to data reporting, it offers an audit trail of visitor management events for tracking visitor trends for enhanced data-driven decision-making. 


    Investing in the latest visitor management systems will enable your company to ensure site safety. It will also reduce overheads and administration costs. If you want to have a proper overview of visitors on-site at any specific period, there are numerous options you can choose from, starting from simple check-ins to integrated solutions. 

    How can ROCKEYE help?

    ROCKEYE is the ideal choice for companies that require an effective visitor management system. Our software offers powerful features like tracking of visitors, access control and a secure, welcoming environment for all visitors. 


    1. How Does a Visitor Management System Improve On-Site Security?

    A Visitor Management System provides on-site security by providing features such as real-time monitoring, visitor registration and photo ID badge printing for monitoring visitor activity. By capturing visitor details and photos, it helps to identify individuals and detect all threats. 

    2. How Does a Visitor Management System Enhance Efficiency?

    Visitor Management Software improves efficiency by automating manual visitor registration processes and waiting time. Overall visitor experience improves as a result.

    3. Can a Visitor Management System Be Customized to Specific Security Requirements?

    Yes. Many VMSs provide customization options for tailoring security protocols according to specific needs and regulations of a company. It may include adjusting screening criteria, implementing additional security measures when required and is integrated with existing security systems.

    4. What Features Should I Look for in a Visitor Management System?

    You should look for features like data security and compliance measures, security check-in and check-out procedures, visitor registration and pre-registration capabilities. 

    Are You Ready to Secure Your Premises With Advanced Visitor Management Systems?

    Get in touch with the experts of ROCKEYE.

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